Hide Terms
IMPORTANT DRUG SCREENING NOTICE: Most work-place drug screens and tests target delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and do not detect the presence of Cannabidiol (CBD) or other legal natural hemp based constituents. However, studies have shown that eating hemp foods and oils can cause confirmed positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are subject to any form of drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO-NOT ingest our products. Prior to consuming these products consult with your healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer.
NOTICE: The products and information received from HeroGrown Foundation (“HeroGrown”) are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Individual results may vary. Do not make medical decisions without first consulting your personal physician or health care practitioner. You should always consult with your Healthcare Professional before using any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic product, before starting any diet or exercise program or before adopting any treatment for a health problem. Each person is different, and the way you react to a particular product may be significantly different from the way other people react to such product. You should also consult your Healthcare Professional regarding any interactions between any medication you are currently taking and nutritional supplements. You are advised to research CBD, hemp, and/or cannabis (“Items”) as a health supplement, and consult with your doctor as to dosage and frequency of use.
As a condition of my membership in HeroGrown Foundation and participation in the CBD AirDrop Program and/or Freedom Giveaways, you hereby declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the state in which this Agreement is executed that all of the following are true:
1. You are an adult over the age of 18.
2. You hereby verify that any Items you receive from HeroGrown shall not be shared, sold, bartered, traded, exchanged or delivered by any means to any other person for medical or other reasons; except as provided by law in the state in which such activity takes place.
3. You understand that although the Items have been independently tested for purity, the cannabis/hemp plant is not regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and therefore may contain unknown quantities of active ingredients, impurities and/or contaminants. In requesting an approval or recommendation for the use of this plant as medication you assume full responsibility for any and all risks of this action.
4. You agree to indemnify and hold HeroGrown Foundation, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, or claim, including attorney’s fees, arising out of your association with HeroGrown and/or use of Items received from HeroGrown. As a condition of joining HeroGrown, you, your heirs and those with you expressly and forever disclaim the warranty of merchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly and forever release HeroGrown and any person or entity assisting HeroGrown, without limitation, from and against any and all lawsuits, alter-ego lawsuits, demands, charges or claims relating to any Items and/or related products you may obtain from HeroGrown, including but limited to issues arising from the strength, potency, purity, toxicity, and/or appropriateness for your condition. Further, as a condition of requesting and/or receiving assistance from HeroGrown, and/or by accepting and/or utilizing such Items and/or related products as you may obtain, you, your heirs and those with you expressly and forever waive any and all claims now known, or discovered at any time in the future due to, related to or arising from your possession, use, storage, cultivation, acquisition or handling of Items or any product/herb/food/oil/concentrate you may obtain from HeroGrown. You agree that these waivers shall be binding on your heirs, successors and assigns.
5. You understand and agree that adherence to the rules of HeroGrown is your responsibility and agree that any violation of the terms of this Agreement or any other HeroGrown member rules are grounds for the immediate termination of your membership.
7. You understand that any possession, cultivation or acquisition of Items may be considered unlawful under federal law. You agree to assume all risks personally and forever discharge and hold harmless HeroGrown for any liability associated with your actions.
8. The use of Items may result in physical and emotional side effects and these products may impair a person’s ability to drive a vehicle or operate machinery. You agree to wait at least 4-6 hours after consuming Items to drive or operate machinery.
9. You expressly agree that exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute with HeroGrown resides in the courts of the State of Nevada and you further agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the courts of the State of Nevada in connection with any such dispute including any claim involving HeroGrown or its affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, officers, directors, telecommunication providers, and content providers.
Elite Membership terms: Payments for membership do not constitute a donation are are nonrefundable. The value of shipments is not guaranteed and is subject to change at any time without notice. Contact us at our website to cancel your membership at least 10 days prior to your next charge. You expressly agree not to dispute any bank charges associated with your membership. Reimbursement for Chargebacks: In the event that a chargeback is made on your account related to your membership, you agree to reimburse HeroGrown for all costs and fees associated with such chargebacks.